• Up to 105 minutes

Combining two results-driven treatments, Notox is a skin-boosting experience that shows immediate results. A 60-minute non-surgical, rapid treatment that combines iSClinical Youth Renewal facial with our collagen boosting Electro-Mesotherapy.

The facial features a powerful Foaming Enzyme Masque that blends papaya and pineapple with a potent clinical-grade level of glycolic acid. This intensely revitalising masque foams, while the bio-active ingredients exfoliate and deeply cleanse your pores, revealing a polished and radiant complexion.

The collagen-boosting Electro-Mesotherapy combines vitamin-rich complexes and serums with Ionwave™ Technology, allowing for the safe delivery of healing compounds to various layers of your skin. Electro-Mesotherapy is a noninvasive treatment that will leave you looking refreshed and more youthful.